Aristic projects
ICEBREAKING – theatre of social inclusion
of V4 citizens and Ukraine refugees
Something unknown lies ahead.
A war is burning near us.
Suddenly, a stragner lives next to us. Another.
A barrier stands between us – a thick layer of ice. Can it be melted?
Will we leave our prejudices behind and melt the frozen rivers together?
Will we meet each other upstream?
ICEBREAKING is uncovering the stereotypes in our heads.
Breaking down the boxes we pigeonhole people into – immediately, but forever.
Breaking through the prejudices of our day.
Bonding with those we need to survive.
Four partners led by AND (project coordinator) will produce a street performance act focusing on closing the distance between V4 citizens and Ukrainian refugees. ICEBREAKING will be an original physical-visual expression of social inclusion that tells stories of people living in mixed communities through theatre. A theatre that breaks down the prejudices, portrays the benefits of global coexistence and gets people closer together.
Coordinator: The Ensemble of Irregular Theatre NPO (AND)

Creative Streets_ Connecting two cultural capitals of Europe through Circus and Performing Arts.
A series of artistic interactions, blending art into everyday life with the participation of hundreds of citizens is the main motivation of this European project. We use the strength of performing arts and the colorful and attractive language of circus art to involve the ’people of the streets”. The creation process and the performances will happen in public spaces, offering a unique opportunity for exchange and dialogue between the audience and artists. The activities will connect two European Capitals of Culture: Veszprém in Hungary and Elefsina in Greece. These historical cities offer unique squares, castle walls, mythical spots that will create perfect backdrops for circus acrobats working in the air and ground, connecting height and depth, history and present, young and old,amateurs and professionals. The strong rig that will hold the weight of the acrobats is symbolic of the strong links needed amongst fellow humans to be able to resist the challenges of everyday life as well the major global challenges like the pandemic, climate change and war.
4 circus artistic oriented organizations from Hungary, Ukraine, Greece and France gather in this artistic cooperation to collaborate for 14 months. The aims of the collaboration are:
8 days of interactive performances open to the public on the streets of Veszrpém and Elefsina
Collaboration of 50 artists amateurs and professionals
Artistic workshops offered to audiences in public spaces
Mass action involving hundreds of audience creating a living picture
Multi Level learning opportunities for the project partners, the peer artists, and public audience
Offer to the participating artists valuable experiences of “in situ” experimentation of their artistic work that will happen under the guidance of Artistic Director Albin Warrete.
The core motivation is to initiate and enhance dialogue, create links, stimulate listening which could lead to mutual understanding. This dialogue is needed and we realize at multiple level
dialogue among citizens
dialogue between international participants
dialogue between amateurs and professional artists
dialogue between the space and their habitats of the two cities
We remember that public space belongs to each of us thus offers a space to listen, to exchange and find solutions together. Public space is the symbol of necessity to find agreement. Common shared spaces that hold no property and possession are offered for multiple dialogues.
Hungary: Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület - Hungarian Juggling Association
Ukraine: National Fund for the Development of circus Art of Volodymyr Shevchenko in cooperation with the Kiev Circus Academy
France: Culture En Mouvements

Digital circus
During 2022 Katapult circus space in Berlin and the Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület (the Hungarian Juggling Association), engaged with a number of projects from Germany and Hungary that have been using digital in unusual and innovative ways, to go beyond simply staring at a screen. The aim was to collect useful tools from the field of digital circus education for further experimenting and use.
This program has been supported by Erasmus+ educational program. We have been meeting teachers, trainers, circus professionals, companies, organizers and artists of the field and gathered 'Best Practices' for using digital tools in circus education and performance.
ACTTIVITIES of the project
-2 research meeting, 1 at each partner
- 2 dissemination events
Research meetings were held in Berlin and Budapest
You can watch the RESULT
Digital knowledge sharing conference 2022. May 19-20.
Facebook event:https://fb.me/e/1s78kSRpD
élő közvetítés:https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=1048341076083392
Circus in digital age conference, Katapult, Berlin 2022 June 9-10
Facebook event:https://fb.me/e/4HzZrrvWj

Circostrada is the European Network for Circus and Street Arts. Created in 2003 with the core mission of furthering the development, empowerment and recognition of these fields at European and international levels, over the years the network has become an important anchoring point for its members and a key interlocutor in the dialogue with cultural policy makers across Europe.
In a few words Circostrada is:
A community of circus and street arts professionals linked together by common values and aspirations, who advocate for greater recognition and more structured cultural policies.
The voice and reference network of circus and street arts in Europe.
A group of passionate and committed individuals who meet several times a year at the network’s events.
A network dedicated to its members, engaged in facilitating the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and good practices at European and international levels.
A digital resource platform that provides thematic publications, observation tools and news on circus and street arts, available to all free of charge in English and French.

Mixdoor 2014-2016
Mixdoor was a European multidisciplinary initiative, including workshops and a creation of a performance combined from 3 different parts. The project took 23 months and also included 8 performances in different partner countries. Within the project European performers (Poland, Croatian, Hungarian, France, Greek) and professionals (visual, set design, technical etc.) and artists worked together at a performance venue. 8-10 involved artists were: vertical dancers, circus artists, musicians and visual artists that collaborated in an inspiration and technical preparation period in Greece and a 6-8-week long rehearsal to create a performance, which was a mixture of three elements:
1) specific vertical dance-circus performance outside, on the wall of a building,
2) a promenade with small site-specific performances: juggling, dancing, living installation, which involved the audience,
3) In the theatre the performance continued as a collaborative integration of dance, circus arts, music and projections.
The performances were connected at each location to a 2 weeks long workshop and integrated to the show 8-8 local artists in each city. This phase gave partners and the audience the opportunity to take part in a real intercultural dialogue. This mixdoor spectacle dissolved disciplinary boundaries and embraced public space to mystify, inspire and delight international audiences.

Circonnection 2 - focus on street art
The Circonnection network was established up to develop international training exchanges for circus artists. From 2012 - 2014 the Circonnection partnership, APCCV, Circus Central, EX VOTO, Fidget Feet, Hungarian Juggling Association & Let's Circus delivered a Leonardo project, targeting circus artists who working in a Street Arts context. You can find here their shared treasure, a rich collection of information, articles, profiles and workshop outlines gathered over the 10 training programs run over two years:

Creative Streets for dialogue – Connecting two culturals capitals Pécs – Istanbul
The Creative Streets festival was launched on 17 September of 2004 as part of the project, “CREATIVE STREETS FOR DIALOGUE, FROM PECS TO ISTANBUL - TWO CULTURAL CAPITALS” funded by the European Union.
The festival, which was held from 17 and 26 September, offered the public many different activities including seminars, flash mobs, cabarets, juggling-, acrobatic-, pantomime -, fire-, flamenco and break dance shows.
The festival brought contemporary performance arts to the streets, giving local people an opportunity to experience creative, cultural art. Visitors were able to enjoy a range of training activities, workshops and interactive games.

Visegrad Cooperation - 2004
This was a collaboration between the juggling organizations of the Visegrad countries, namely Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The cooperation culminated in the II. Budapest Juggling Convention where jugglers from the Visegrad countries spent 3 days together. Beside the Hungarian jugglers, the artists of these four countries also participated in the Convention's programs: Polish, Czech and Slovak performers took part in the Open Stage, the Juggling Olympics, the Joyo Championship and the Gala show.
Video of the II. Budapest Juggling Convention:
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